The escapades of Frank, last heir of Findelholtz castle, struggling to make a buck and raise his activist young adult daughter in the middle of a bewitched forest with the help of a poltergeist and an overzealous kobold housekeeper.

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New Technique is Turning Heads

New Technique is Turning Heads

Head turns in animation aren’t such a big deal, unless you want to combine them with head tilts. Then you’re in a world of pain, unless you use my new way of doing head turns/tilts that mix well and save time! Flipping Head Turns!...

The hardest scene is done!

The hardest scene is done!

I just completed a fairly complex action scene for the pilot of Shadywoods and thought I'd summarize some of my findings, pains and struggles in a YouTube video episode… Animating a Complex Scene in Moho Pro...

Phungus & Mowld

The involuntary space-time adventures of two unlikely companions.